As a nation and a people, the Jews are entirely unique among all others on the planet. Their survival against such extreme conditions and against all odds defy logic. Most people groups throughout history who were dispersed among other lands simply ceased to exist as a people. Not so with the Jews.
In fact, today the Jews possess their own homeland, the original homeland of centuries past, centuries before the time of Christ. They became a nation in May of 1948, defeated numerous attacking nations in 1967 and other wars since then. And since other Arabs moved into the region, who are led by Militant Muslims, the Jews continue to defend themselves against terrorists, day in, day out. (The U.S. has only started their first-hand experience with terrorism.)
Today, the Palestinian Authority aggressively promotes antisemitism, not only among the adult population, and not only in Europe, but also among the school-age children living in Israel. A recent study of palestinian textbooks reveals some the startling rhetoric which debases Jews to sub-human levels. It reminds us of what happened in Germany.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Oudeh, a leading figure in the Islamic jihad movement, is quoted as saying:
``Now Allah is bringing the Jews back to Palestine in large groups from all over the world to their big graveyard where the promise will be realized upon them, and what was destined will be carried out.`` (in Victor Mordecai, Is Fanatic Islam Global Threat? 4th ed., Springfield, MO: privately published, 1995, p. 7).
The Sheikh's holy book, the Koran, makes these explicit statements about Jews:
-- ``You will find that the most violent of all men in emnity against thte faithful are the Jews.`` (5:82)
-- ``The Jews are smitten with vileness and misery and drew on themselves indignation from Allah.`` (2:61)
-- ``Wherever they are found, the Jews reek of destruction -- which is their just reward.`` (3:112)
(more to come)