

Key Figures

Key Influences

Quotes from the Key Figures


Possible Outcomes

Images of Evil

Professor Comment Page


The Death Toll Rises to 11,000,000

"Today in news": the once small party known as the Nazi party, located in Germany, has exploded and became the most powerfull party ever to control Germany. Hitler the new chancelor of Germany, who at one point and time had seemed to be a legitimate leader has shown his true colors. Steadily turning Germany into a police state and a place of the utmost terror for what he see's as the inferior race, or his "Misfortune"!

Was It Legal
Adolf Hitler used World War I as a way to legitimize the mass killing of Jews. He was able to convince the German people that Jews were their enemy, and killing enemies during a war was a normal behavior.

In 1935 anti-Semitism became legal.  The Nuremberg Laws soon went into effect.  The Nuremberg Laws were designed to strip the Jews of all their rights.  A couple of those laws include:

The revoking of citizenship from any non-Germans  This law stripped Jews of their German citizenship. This began a new   distinction between "Reich citizens " and "nationals."  This law allowed anyone to steal from Jewish stores and homes without any punishment or jusice. 

The pure-blood law  This law prohibited the marrage between a German and a Jew.  No German could marry anyone of non-German blood.

Life unworthy of life

The holocaust was  the systematic slaughter of not only 6 million Jews, two-thirds of the total European Jewish population, but also 5 million others, by the Nazi Regime and its followers.  The Nazis, who came into power in Germany in January of 1933, believed that the Germans were the superior race and the Jewish were inferior and unworthy of life. Hitler's Final solution, the name for his plan to eliminate those who he beleived were a threat to his race, also included other races and groups of people.  The Gypsis, Poles, Russians, the handicapped, homosexuals and  political prisoners.

Holocaust Rememberance Day

Sunday April 18, 2004

Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, was established in 1953. Located in Israel on the Mount of Rememberance, Yad Vashem is a vast complex of museums, archives, memorials, libraries, and monuments. It documents the history of the Jewish people in the Holocaust. Including the survivors, the heroes and those who perished. The national day of commemoration falls this year on April 18th. This day begins at sunset on Sunday and goes through to nightfall on April 19th. In Israel is a sad day where places of entertainment are closed and ceremonies remembering the survivors and their families they lost take place. The day begins with a memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem where a siren sounds throughout the country for two minutes. During this time the citizens stop what they are doing and remember those of the Holocaust; schools and work stop, cars pull over to the side and everyone stands at silent attention.


To learn more about this day please visit the website above.

Professor Comments:

This is a well-organized page.  Spelling and grammar have been attended to with sufficient care.  Adequate research and background investigation is also evident. Good job of using headers to highlight your points.  Nice work.

The group does a good job of establishing the significance of the event, and setting the tone for the remainder of the web page. The first photo is gruesome, but it also establishes the depths of this horror for the 11 million people who suffered in it.

Think about the other masses of people who suffered THROUGH it... some of them are still alive today to tell the tale.